Change of management at Beate Uhse
During yesterday’s Beate Uhse AG Supervisory Board meeting, CEO Serge van der Hooft informed the Supervisory Board that he wanted to leave the company’s Management Board for personal reasons. The Supervisory Board complied with his request and would like to thank Mr van der Hooft for his commitment, particularly during what have been difficult periods for Beate Uhse AG, and also for his hard work and achievements in managing and representing the company. In order to further utilise his many years of experience within the company, Mr van der Hooft has agreed to the Supervisory Board’s request that he manage Beate Uhse Group’s Wholesale segment in future. Serge van der Hooft has been a member of the Management Board since 2008 and Chairman of the Management Board since 2010. Until a successor is appointed, Cornelius Vlasblom (CFO) will act as the sole director. He has been Chief Financial Officer of Beate Uhse Group since 2013. “It is my aim to continue to manage Beate Uhse AG decisively with dedication and to continue on the restructuring path that we’ve set ourselves. Our medium-term outlook and vision for the company remain unchanged,” Cornelius Vlasblom says. The Supervisory Board will immediately start to search for a suitable successor to Mr van der Hooft.