Lovehoney combines science and sex for the launch of updated Happy Rabbit range
Recently, Lovehoney introduced six revamped versions of the Happy Rabbit vibrator. To amplify the launch of the updated classic, the global sex toy retailer has partnered with Dr. Nicole Prause, founder of sexual biotechnology firm Liberos. Dr. Prause conducted a scientific study on the effectiveness of the updated Happy Rabbit range versus manual masturbation.
Working a variety of test subjects, Dr. Prause measured what happens physically and mentally as a woman approaches orgasm and how that differs when using the new Happy Rabbit. Under lab instruction, each woman underwent two randomised test sessions- one utilizing manual masturbation and the other using the Happy Rabbit.
Using different measuring tools and questionnaires, Dr. Prause analyzed anal contractions1, galvanic skin response2, electroencephalography (brain activity) and emotional states3 before and after testing. Testings show that most women take more time to reach orgasm when using the Happy Rabbit as they explore through the toy’s patterns and rhythms, which led to experiencing a wider variety of physical sensations and more excitement than using their hands alone.
The study also reports:
- Women took an average of 26.4 minutes to achieve orgasm when using the Happy Rabbit, compared to manual masturbation, which took an average of 6.5 minutes.
- Orgasms were reported, on average, 15% longer when using the Happy Rabbit compared to manual masturbation
- Alpha brainwave1 levels increased sooner when using the Happy Rabbit, which suggests achieving an orgasmic state using the Happy Rabbit doesn’t require as much effort as using your hand alone
- Emotional reporting suggests subjects felt more excited from start to finish of testing when using the Happy Rabbit compared to the hand based session
Of the subjects tested:
- Average age was 31 (Important to note that subjects were all sexually active and very familiar with their bodies)
- 54% are of color
- 65% claim to be heterosexual
- 47% have a “main” romantic partner
- Intercourse partners average 28 people in a lifetime
Dr. Prause says, “Our original hypothesis was that the Happy Rabbit would bring women bring women to orgasm quicker than manual masturbation. However, we found that women wanted to play, explore and enjoy their new toy, which resulted in a longer lasting sexual experience with broader physical sensations and more excitement than using their hand alone.”
The new Happy Rabbit range is available from Lovehoney and will be on display at the Lovehoney booth 181 at the eroFame show.