Mystim trains Babylon stores in France and Belgium
Mystim went on a training tour through Belgium and France at the beginning of October. For two days, Mystim’s Sales Director Patrick Mallaise visited a total of nine Babylon stores to present the company’s product range and train store employees. Mallaise was accompanied by Martin van der Hooft, Sales Manager at Mystim’s distribution partner SCALA. Together, the duo not only presented a diverse selection of Mystim products, but also helpful new tools for the POS.
Comprehensive product knowledge is the key for retailers when giving advice to consumers and, in the best case scenario, leads to a sale. Particularly in the field of electrostimulation, consumers often ask questions that would be irrelevant for toys without e-stim. Mystim is aware of its responsibility as a premium manufacturer of electrosex toys and is therefore increasingly focusing on staff training. “A detailed product explanation is not necessarily only useful for e-stim beginners, experienced users also benefit from it! Consumers are often not even aware of the options are possible or how they can make their sessions even more exciting with the help of other Mystim products. This is where the trained staff can help and encourage their customers to try something new,” explains Patrick Mallaise. “Martin and I had a great time with the dedicated teams at Babylon and are delighted that the information was so well received.”
In addition to the perfect product selection, Mystim puts just as much heart and soul into its POS materials, because visual stimuli are also crucial for the sales process – even if only subconsciously. Mallaise and van der Hooft also assisted the Babylon teams in this regard. “In principle, anything is possible!” says Mallaise. “We are happy to help our customers find the optimal solution for their business. Our POS materials are available both directly from Mystim and from our wholesalers. Contact us for your individual solution!”