pjur brand space concept proves popular in Australia
Sugar & Sas has been the exclusive sales partner to pjur in Australia and New Zealand since the start of the year. The company has started the new season with a broad offering for dealers. After just a few months, it seems that stores in Australia are playing a pioneering role in the remodeling and creation of “pjur brand spaces”.
“As a premium provider of high-quality intimate products, we want to be the first port of call for any questions related to the subject of personal lubricant. To meet the expectations of discerning consum-ers, pjur is investing in a mix of brand, product ranges, advice and presentation at the point of purchase. This last factor in particular is becoming increasingly important,” explains Katrin Kühnrich, Senior As-sociate Business Development at pjur.
Strengthening the brand at the point of purchase with pjur brand spaces
The pjur brand space concept focuses on the presentation of the premium brand in order to claim brand space at the point of purchase on- and offline. It combines the successful pjur gives you more campaign with the attractive pjur experience slat wall set that is used to strengthen the brand’s presence in shops. Additionally, digital assets are provided in the pjur dealer lounge to be used in partners’ online shops.
“The attractive pjur wall displays feature an engaging rear panel and can be adjusted to different sizes. They are delivered with recommendations for product ranges and are fully integrated in the award-winning “pjur gives you more” campaign. What’s more, our field sales staff help with setting up and also carry out pjur product training. This extensive service combined with the pjur brand space concept forms the basis for success”, adds Jo Radnidge, General Manager at Sugar & Sas.
Flexible one-size-fits-all solution: The pjur experience slat wall set
The attractive, eye-catching wall display helps consumers find the products they need. The pjur expe-rience slat wall set features a rear panel that really stands out in stores. The size of the displays can be adapted, and they are supplied with three or six shelves. They can also be modified for smaller stores. In addition to impressively showcasing pjur’s extensive portfolio, the concept also includes test-ers that enable consumers to try out the different personal lubricants on display.
“We are delighted that the pjur experience slat wall set is being so successfully implemented. In addition to the two standard size displays, we are already seeing new implementations tailored to the charac-teristics of individual stores: Revamped gondola heads, well-used counter areas and much more. I’m looking forward to seeing many more pjur brand spaces. At the end of September, we’ll be presenting an award to the store that has generated the most revenue with the new design,” explains Katrin, ex-pressing her delight at the attractive placements.