pjur med VEGAN glide now registered with the Vegan Society
3rd January 2017 | Company News
| pjur med VEGAN glide is now registered with the Vegan Society. The 2ml sachets and 100ml bottles are now registered with the British organisation, which has been advocating veganism for decades. pjur med VEGAN glide bears the internationally registered, globally recognised Vegan Trademark of the Vegan Society. The Vegan Trademark shows consumers that these products do not involve or contain animal-derived ingredients and have not involved animal testing.
“pjur has always striven to produce certified and tested products. The ‘Made in Germany’ quality mark already reassures consumers that pjur is good for their body. pjur med VEGAN glide is only one of numerous pjur products labelled with a seal,” the company said.