pjur promotes transvestite art in Hamburg
10 September was the big day: the famous Pulverfass Cabaret – which claims to be the second-oldest transvestite theatre in the world – celebrated its 50th birthday with a big anniversary celebration at St. Pauli in Hamburg. And pjur was there too! As the main sponsor of the event, the manufacturer of premium personal lubricants acted as chaperone for the evening. pjur added to the stylish table centrepieces with sachet cards made especially, and provided the goody bag highlight: the pjur INFINITY Pleasure Box. It was handed out to all the guests after the event, and its elegant and unusual design made it very popular.
pjur wishes Pulverfass Cabaret, a landmark of Hamburg’s entertainment and cultural history, much success in the future and is proud that it can support both diversity and transvestism in this way. To a colourful and glitzy Hamburg!
It all began in 1973: the year that Heinz-Diego Leers took over his father’s former striptease premises in the St. Georg district and decided to turn it into a disco with go-go dancers. But when it opened, the drag artists were particularly popular with guests. The idea grew from there, and the Pulverfass of today was born, becoming a hub for transvestite art in Hamburg. In 2001 Pulverfass and its company moved to St. Pauli, where it has been ever since. New management took over in 2021. Since then, the theatre has been gradually renovated and put on new artistic footing. But one thing has stayed the same: Pulverfass has been a free space for art and diversity for decades – and will continue this mission in the decades to come!