SCALA’s Expertise Quiz: Menstrual Cups
In the extensive world of sex toys, drugstore, and lingerie there are many different brands and products to be found. Also, it’s a fast-moving industry of new developments. This means there is always a lot to discover. That is why SCALA introduces the Expertise Quiz.
Not only fun to do, but perhaps also educational for you as a connoisseur. Are you aware of the latest innovations and how much do you know within a certain category? Let’s find out! This time we test your knowledge about Menstrual Cups. Take the quiz here: https://forms.gle/18jLxrLvmTf1PCpK7
Learn more about Menstrual Cups in SCALA PLAY Magazine July/August 2021 edition, on page 16: https://www.scala-nl.com/grid/play-magazine or ask your SCALA Account Manager to plan in a training.