SexToys.co.uk’s outrageous London ad campaign switches politics for orgasms
One of the UK’s longest-reigning pleasure brands, SexToys.co.uk, the home of pleasure and hedonism, has taken to the streets of London with an outrageous new campaign, reminding British pleasure-seekers that orgasms should be a right, not a privilege, and available to all, equally.
SexToys.co.uk’s message features a crown discarded in a bathroom sink surrounded by luxury pleasure products, presumably after a hedonistic night of pleasure. The words ‘LONG LIVE THE KING’ are printed across the image in vibrant letters, and then a ‘fuc’ has been cheekily scrawled onto the image, giving us the message, ‘LONG LIVE THE F*CKING.’
The messaging appeared throughout London, first in tattoo parlours and underground punk rock clubs in Camden where the posters sprung up and took root organically. Then they appeared prominently outside Picadilly and even at Buckingham Palace and Clarence House in a guerilla-style protest. The event attracted the attention of dozens of curious British pleasure-seekers, as well as, briefly, the police, who surrounded the noisy celebration with railings and bollards.
SexToys.co.uk believes that everybody is equally unique, and everybody’s pleasure is equally important – from king to underling, princess to seamstress, and count to accountant. It’s an important and wholly celebratory message. The UK’s politics are currently highly divisive, and big national events are likely to provoke strong emotions. The message here is that sex is a great unifier, which shouldn’t be lost as opposing opinions about the monarchy meet.
After all, retailers traditionally see a boost in sex toy sales every May. The newly rebranded SexToys.co.uk believes that this May will see an unprecedented surge, for two reasons: the growing awareness of the Masturbation May movement, and the increased number of Bank Holidays.
With even more Bank Holidays than normal as a result of the coronation, SexToys.co.uk urges the British population to set aside their politics and focus on what really matters: bigger, better orgasms. Sex is a celebration of love and unity. With street parties and communal frivolity on the rise in much of the UK, the coronation is a good excuse to stiffen that British upper lip, and parts beyond.
Tera Masters, Managing Director at SexToys.co.uk, says: “It was really very considerate of England’s new King to schedule his coronation for the beginning of Masturbation May. Very generous. He’s given us all several bonk holidays, and we know exactly how the increasingly horny British public is going to use them. So, make the most of the code “sextoys” to get 20% off your order. Never mind the bollocks, let the nation unite under a single sentence: long live the fucking.