Valentine’s Day inspiration with Scala Playhouse’s ‘Romance’ selection
The special ‘Valentine’s Day’ selection on the Scala Playhouse website is devised to help retailers quickly and easily select the best Valentine’s Day stock for their stores. The list of products from own and third-party brands has been comprised by Scala Playhouse’s team, highlighting all the top picks for a profitable Valentine’s Day.
To help fit in with the general color scheme of this holiday, the majority of products in the selection centers around pink, purple and red. Examples of items in this special category are rose petals, massage lotions and intimate wellness essentials such as delicately scented bath products.
With adjusted delivery times over the upcoming holiday period and limited stock on certain products, Scala advise to think ahead and place the Valentine’s Day orders early. Retailers who are looking for something less vanilla can also use the special ‘Scala’s Kinky Selection’ at Scala Playhouse online to find kinkier, fetish inspiration for their Valentine’s Day stock.