Dusedo extends Sport Fuckers range
With the new packaging and quality of material, DUSEDO thinks that this brand has been setting its position on the European market for a while now. For example, the Thunder Plug (picture) has been upgraded. Now it not only offers a throbbing anal sensation but an added cock sling. In addition, for the beginners DUSEDO has the Slam-Jam balls small in the colors black and metal.
The range of cock rings has also been expanded, including the Trainer Ring, which is made for penis pumpers. This item is not to be confused with Sport Fucker’s earlier edition with the same name. This Trainer Ring has two handles on the side. The purpose of this ring is that your customer attaches it over his pump. When the pumped junk feels nice and bulky and ready to show, the user pulls the ring down from the pump over his penis and balls.