Rimba starts distribution of Happy Lola
Rimba announced that they will distribute the whole range of Happy Lola products. The Happy Lola brand exists already for three years and has been very successful in mainstream channels their home country Spain. Happy Lola counts currently 17 different, sexy items all packed in a very cute and different packaging. It is a very women friendly packaging specially made to approach easy the girls of all ages. This line is easy to offer from women friendly love boutiques, house parties and mainstream channels.
Happy Lola launches its range of fun products with an original idea: Take Away Love. The brand image, packaging and design are nice and are accompanied by low prices to encourage impulse sales, ideal for a gift. Each product has a story based on Lola’s experience with the product. Each story is different and presents a naughty idea to be done. Rimbas Joep de Laet did meet the people behind Happy Lola (Alicia Zurita and Juan Rojas) in their headquarters in Malaga, Spain to finalize the partnership.