Advisory board decision gives the kick-off for eroFame 2021
In view of the progressing vaccinations against the coronavirus, the advisory board and the organizers assume that eroFame 2021 will take place.
In order to increase the chance for everyone to participate, this year’s eroFame will be postponed to the end of October / beginning of November. The date is planned for the 43rd week, the last week of October, but if necessary, another alternative date could be offered in the first half of November; the organizer will be in direct contact with Hannover Messe in this regard. The exact date will be announced by the end of April at the latest.
Certainly there will be some adjustments in the course of the fair due to Corona. For example, all those who will not be able to come to Hannover in person will have the opportunity to participate in eroFame digitally.
In addition, the organizer announces that Huda Lutz will no longer work for eroFame. She has turned to new challenges after 10 years of eroFame. The organizer would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Lutz once again for the excellent cooperation and to wish her all the best on her new path. She will be succeeded by Kim Grundstedt, who will be available as a competent contact person for all trade fair matters.