eroFame announces b2c show
The eroFame team announces the realization of a consumer fair under the slogan “eroFame goes public“. After sending out a mail in late 2017 to all exhibitors of eroFame in order to go through some aspects about optimizing the fair show, over one third of the exhibitors expressed their interest such a b2c event.
The show organizer is currently in touch with Germany’s largest and best-attended consumer fair „INFA“ and has plans to to rent a huge common booth (approx. 1.500 sqm) during the fair. The most essential and innovative companies of the erotic industry are expected to be among the exhibitors on this booth.
The goal of the event is to familiarize an interested female target group as well as open-minded couples with erotic products on a sophisticated level and in an appealing and appropriate way. In order to achieve this and to meet the respectable reputation of the industry, only products that are appropriate for this event should be presented.
„It would give us great pleasure, if you are a part of this unique and trend-setting show giving you the opportunity to present the products of your choice,“ the eroFame team invites interested companies to join them and will send out more information to all involved parties within the next days.