“We shot this video with the intention of making people laugh more than anything.”
Most people in our industry probably know about the “orgasm gap”: Women have 30% less orgasms than men do. But who better to help close that gap than the adult industry! One of the companies dedicated to this goal is up-and-coming US brand Emojibator. On the occasion of Masturbation May, they teamed up with a renowned agency to create a couple of videos which shine a light on orgasm inequality, tackling the subject from a female and from a male perspective. Company founder Jamie Jandler tells us more about the campaign in our EAN interview.
Emojibator recently launched a video campaign called “Let’s close the climax gap.” What is your goal for this campaign?
Jamie Jandler: Our goal has always been to get people talking about masturbation. We want people to take something powerful away from this video and feel compelled to share it with their friends. I hope this campaign has that power to not only change the public’s perception on masturbation, but to change their behaviors.
Was this goal easily achieved or did you encounter difficulties along the way?
Changing the public’s behaviors is not an easy feat. We’re only a small piece of the puzzle in the adult industry and we’re laying the groundwork little by little in our own way to bring female masturbation to the mainstream.
Two videos represent the cornerstones of the campaign. The first one is called “Empowerment feels good.” Could you take us through the thought process behind this video?
This video was inspired by the #WhyIMarch PSA surrounding the Female Empowerment movement happening now (especially in the United States). When we discovered the fact that women orgasm 30% less than men during heterosexual sex, we were compelled to raise awareness about the inequalities happening in the bedroom.
The second video, called “Men Don’t Know,” broaches the issue of a lack of male knowledge about female orgasms. What did you learn about the male perception of female sexuality?
We shot this video with the intention of making people laugh more than anything. We obviously hyperbolised the male perception here, but overall the message is again to normalise the discussion about masturbation. I think it’s massively empowering for women to talk about orgasms and they should certainly share this with their partners.
How does the message of the campaign fit in with your brand?
I hope it fulfils our brand’s missions, which is to educate about, empower, and normalise masturbation while being silly.
How has the response to the campaign been so far? Do you think you’ve helped close the orgasm gap a bit?
The message has been well received and powerful, but we have only scratched the surface of how “Let’s Close the Climax Gap” will affect women. Of course, shipping Emojibator products all over the world has directly help close the climax gap. I’d like to see this campaign be as wide reaching as our product launch has been.
Which role do ysex toys play in general when it comes to empowering women in the bedroom (and perhaps beyond)?
Understanding and loving your body is one of the most powerful things any woman (or man) can do. Understanding that everyone’s body is different is a huge part of human sexuality, and I think sex toys play a part in both of those. Sex is such a normal and fundamental part of life and that’s part of the reason we founded this company.
Will Emojibator continue to fight for an equal orgasm quota? Do you have already further campaigns planned?
These issues will continue to be part of the mission of our brand, but we hope to continue to astonish and surprise with the type of campaigns we launch. Every vibrator purchased is a step closer to orgasm equality.
Last question: When will we see more emojis made into sex toys? Or are you developing something that’s outside the field of sexting?
We have a couple of new vegetable emoji toys that are near ready to launch. After that, I’m not certain where the business will take us. Right now, we are collecting feedback and listening what our customers have to say so that we can design products for them.