Vanessa Cuccia presents the crystal dildos of the Chakrubs brand
According to traditional South-Asian teachings, there are seven chakras that can be found in different places in our bodies, from the forehead to the groin area. Each of these energy nodes supposedly has individual characteristics that affect wellness and health. In 2012, Vanessa Cuccia launched Chakrubs, a product line that is heavily inspired by these traditional teachings. She sells dildos that are made from certain crystals that don’t just cater to the physical needs of the users, but also have a spiritual component. In our EAN interview, she told us ore about the philosophy that is the foundation of her company and her products.
Your company Chakrubs sells dildos made of crystals. Why did you choose this material for your toys?
Vanessa Cuccia: At the time I thought up Chakrubs, I was in California pursuing a career in music and acting (which I still do). I had been hosting a young spiritualist in my LA apartment, who taught me a great deal about the metaphysical uses of crystals and the chakra system. I was also working part-time at The Pleasure Chest, a sex-toy shop in West Hollywood. The idea to use crystals as a material for a dildo came about suddenly in an “ah-ha” moment while tagging along with the young spiritualist to a meeting of the minds with a woman who had a large collection of crystals. The idea popped up because of a culmination of experiences and desires I had experienced since a young age. For many years I struggled with feeling pleasure with another person. No sex toy on the market appealed to me, and yet I had a desire to explore my sexuality and remove shame I had felt for years. Crystals were a natural and therapeutic option. Once I came up with the name and started telling people my concept, it was clear that this was something that was needed in the lives of many people, and the sex toy industry as a whole. The philosophy behind it being just as important as the product itself – self-love, self-awareness, and self-acceptance.
Is Chakrubs the first love toy manufacturer for esoteric and spiritual-minded people?
What is most important for me as the founder and creator of Chakrubs is to bring to the forefront of the sex toy industry the philosophy that exploring one’s own sexuality can be a pathway to greater self-love and awareness. I could not find any products on the market that had this much of a passion for spreading this mission when I first came up with the idea in 2011.
Could you give us an overview of your company? When did you start your business?
The idea for Chakrubs came to me in 2011. It was in 2012 when I made it an official business, started finding resources and created a website. Since then it has had an extremely beautiful and organic growing process. We have been written up in many print and web-publications, and these have all been from people who have found us. I am proud to say we’ve never paid for any advertising, and gained popularity simply by being ourselves! Looking forward I have many ideas for expansion.
The word “Chakra“ is already there, in the name of your company. Could you explain, what a chakra is and how it relates to your products?
Chakra is a sanskrit term that relates to specific points in our energetic bodies. Each Chakra or energy centre is associated with a different purpose in our well-being. Chakrubs are intended to deepen a person’s awareness of not only their physical bodies, but emotional and energetic as well. It is with this awareness that one becomes more aware of subtle sensual vibrations which leads to a deep and fulfilling experience.
Crystal is a rather unusual material for sex toys. Aren’t they too heavy and hard? Do the products need special care when handled by the user?
Chakrubs have a beautiful weight to them and are also hard which I and my customers find to be luxurious and pleasurable. The kind of care Chakrubs requires is simple yet fits in with the experience of treating a session as a sacred ritual. Chakrubs work like any other dildo in terms of handling them, but when it comes to preparing them one may wish to do an energetic cleansing bath with salt water or sage.
It is said, that different stones have different effects on people. Which stones do you offer and what effects do they have?
We offer a large array of stones. Here are some favourites:
- The Chakrub Heart, Rose Quartz – dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart’s ability to give and receive love.
- The Chakrub Prism, Clear Quartz – a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy.
- The Chakrub Black Onyx – said to help alleviate fears and worries and to help you to feel comfortable within yourself and in your surroundings.
- The Chakrub Amethyst – a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace.
- The Chakrub Gaia Stone, Red Jasper – known to give deep insight into personal difficulties and gives you a strong sense of stability. This stone is a powerful aid to the process of raising the kundalini.
How do I find out which crystal is right for me?
The best way to choose a Chakrub or other crystal is to trust your intuition. Which one do you feel drawn to? Which one do you desire? Your inner guide will not steer you wrong.
What can you tell us about the origins of your materials?
Chakrubs are all derived from what I like to call “the mother stone”. They are carved from a large chunk of crystals sourced from around the world, never being in possession of anyone before they reach our customers.
Which limitations are there when working with crystals? Would a vibrating version of such a products be possible?
I see no limitations, only possibilities. And yes, that is possible. We are working on it.
How would you describe your typical customer? Do you have a certain audience in mind when you create your products?
My customers are brave, sensual, and gracious. My customers understand the gift that life is and wish to show gratitude for having been given that gift by living a fulfilled life. My customers are warriors, are priestesses, are pioneers and philosophers. When I create my products I think of myself – I think about what speaks to my heart and what I need and this is what I create. In this way I am thinking of all of my customers – because I understand we are all connected – and if there is something that I desire, others desire it as well.
Where can your products be bought in Europe?
Chakrubs are available online and we ship internationally from New York.
Are you working together with distributors or are you looking for wholesalers to pick up your products?
I am currently in talks with a couple of distributors and in the meantime welcoming well-fitting wholesalers who may like to carry our products.
Are you planning on releasing other products under the Chakrubs label anytime soon?
Yes! I am very excited about a new line I am designing that will be ready for pre-sale in spring 2016. It is a secret right now, but please do keep in touch on our Twitter and Instagram accounts: @chakrubs.