Cottelli Collection in new packaging
From September 2015 all “Cottelli Collection” products will be delivered in the new packaging – more modern, more innovative and more promotional! The new packaging is made of a high-quality cardboard box that can also be used as packaging for gifts. This cardboard box is covered in an additional slipcase with a detailed image of the respective product, as well as a description of the product in 9 languages. The new product images are more emotive, more passionate and more seductive, and they therefore increase the customers’ incentive to buy the product. Not only is the new packaging an eye-catcher and guarantees a sale, but it also is more environmentally friendly in comparison to the existing blister packaging.
The new packaging can be stood up or hung up and more products will now fit in the sales space because they are more compact. They also take up less space when in storage. At the moment the new packaging for the categories Lingerie / Nightwear / Party Outfits / Costumes and Cottelli Plus comes in two sizes: small (205 x 147 x 35 mm) and medium (287 x 180 x 42 mm).
The “Cottelli Collection” label stands for exclusive high-quality fashion and over the past 25 years has become best-selling lingerie label in the erotic industry. It offers extraordinary lingerie combinations, trendy clubwear and seductive high heels for women who love to be fashionable!
For orders and further information please contact: ORION Wholesale, Mr Hauke Christiansen, phone 0049-461-5040 210, fax 0049-461-5040 244, e-mail: hchristiansen@orion.de, http://www.orion-wholesale.com