Eropartner Distribution Now Offering OhMiBod’s blueMotion NEX|2
Eropartner is now stocking the blueMotion NEX|2 by OhMiBod: a Bluetooth App controlled G-spot massager. OhMiBod’s technology allows users to connect to and control massagers via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and is available for Android and iOS devices.“The product videos of OhMiBod are in our top 3 most viewed product video’s on our YouTube channel”,Head of Purchasing Elcke Wieffering adds, “our customers love the OhMiBod products and innovations. We are looking forward to introduce them to the blueMotion NEX/2”. blueMotion NEX/2 can be controlled over the internet by downloading the app for free. It has an Oh-dometer which tracks orgasms. It is made of body-friendly material and has a rechargeable battery for up to 2 hours of pleasure and 7 integrated manual mode patterns. The blueMotion NEX/2 is perfect for couple’s use with 1o meters wireless range. OhMiBod’s NEX/2 is backed with 1 year manufacturer’s warranty and includes a privacy pouch and USB charging cable.