Erotic Advent calendars from ORION Wholesale
To make the Advent period sweeter there are neutral, erotic Advent calendars available from ORION Wholesale – in different versions which take many of the customers’ various wishes into consideration:
The classic one is the large calendar (68 x 44 x 5 cm) made of stable cardboard with a sexy picture on the front. There are sexy surprises hidden behind all of the 24 doors. The calendar has everything to make love life more exciting from sex toys, lingerie for him and her, a DVD, joke items and condoms right through to products for decoration and aphrodisiacs. Item number 0635804 0000
Another Advent calendar with 24 red velvet reusable sacks is very appealing. The sacks can be hung up by the included cord. The 13 large and 11 small sacks are packed with sex toys, lingerie, massage oils, lubricants, condoms, joke articles and much, much more. The sacks are delivered in a cardboard box that has a Christmas picture printed on the front. Size: 40 x 30 x 13 cm. Item number 0635847 0000
The sexy chocolate Advent calendars are for all those who like it sweet and sexy: “Sweet Xmas” with a festive picture of a sexy woman printed on the front – bums, pussies, penises and boobs made of delicious milk chocolate are hiding behind the 24 doors. Item number 0772658 0000
“Sexy Xmas” with a festive picture of sexy men printed on the front – tasty chocolate hearts are hiding behind the 24 doors. Item number 0770795 0000
The same-named couples Advent calendar provides a “seductive Christmas time” with its 24 tasks that get hotter and hotter, the nearer you get to Christmas. The red doors are for her, the blue doors for him and the yellow doors are tasks or actions for both of them. In German and English. Item number 0775258 0000
For orders and further information please contact: ORION Wholesale, Mr Hauke Christiansen, phone 0049-461-5040 210, fax 0049-461-5040 244, e-mail: hchristiansen@orion.de, http://www.orion-wholesale.com