Kheper Games, Inc. launches new Extreme Personal Questions Game
Kheper, Inc. is proud to release its newest adult party game, Extreme Personal Questions (EPQ). EPQ is a game for both good friends and new friends to get to know each other better. There are 400 questions in the set and each card holds two questions. Sample questions are “What happened on the sluttiest day of your life?” and “What is the grossest thing you have ever discovered growing on your body?”
To play Extreme Personal Questions, select a card and read one of the two questions to the group. Two players volunteer to answer, and the rest of the group votes on who gives the best answer. That player earns the card as a point. The first player to earn five cards wins.
“Adult humored party games continue to be a quickly expanding category for us.” explains CEO Brian Pellham. “People want to get together and have a good time with their friends. Our adult party games are very simple to learn and play as well, which keeps party guests more engaged. The stories people tell playing this new game help as an icebreaker as your guests will definitely get to know each other better without ever feeling awkward since no one is required to answer a question they don’t volunteer to answer.”