SHOTS has a sweet tooth
SHOTS releases five new 500gr luxury jars of candy. Fruity Tits and Dicks, Liquorish Tits and Dicks and Pink Pussies will be in the mix to satisfy clients. Over the last six months, SHOTS has had a huge success with their Little Genie’s confectionery. The Penis Lollipops were an instant success and went over the counter in extremely large numbers. Also the Naughty Mints, Penis Suckers, Candy Penis Straws, X-Rated Candy, Candy Penis Bouquets, Sex Syrups, Fuckers Lollies, and other penis shaped candy were a fantastic success and tasted even better! What perfect reason for SHOTS to continue to expand in this successful niche market. SHOTS believes that sweets will become a permanent product range for their customers. The new 500 gram jars look luxurious, but are very competitively priced and taste overwhelmingly yummy.