American lifestyle magazines praise pjur

pjur is continuing its success outside the adult industry and securing its place in mainstream culture after being featured in a range of leading US online publications. Various pjur personal lubricants received top marks from, and, and were enthusiastically recommended by their lifestyle experts.

Special mention goes to the new pjur INFINITY formulas whose luxurious glass bottles are receiving a lot of enthusiasm from outside the adult industry. pjur INFINITY Water-Based is being praised as a high-end high-quality personal lubricant with an elegant design which is absolutely deserves its place on the bedside table. pjur INFINITY Silicone-Based is the perfect holiday gift for anyone who wants to show their friend that they value their sexual health. And as ‘Best Overall’, pjur AQUA is recommended for anyone looking for a personal lubricant that leaves the skin feeling silky soft. The widespread recognition from the lifestyle community and experts reflects pjur’s quality and customer satisfaction. The MDR- and FDA-certified manufacturer of premium personal lubricants continually sets new standards in the industry and offers products that meet the needs and preferences in other markets too.