pjur supports Mauve Flower Foundation in Hungary
pjur group has supported a huge promotion by Mauve Flower Foundation for Cervical Cancer awareness in Hungary. In every year they take part in a big sport festival with around 10 000 people to make them aware of their work. At this event, Mauve Flower handed out pjur med Premium and pjur med Sensitive Samples, Flyer and a small book about cervical cancer to the interested visitors, who had to solve some little task around the topic cancer prevention. „After cervical cancer therapy, during the menopause or if they suffer from vaginism, women really need pjur med lubricants”, says Icó Tóth from Mauve Flower. Up to 700 women visited the booth. “It was a busy day but full of high emotions. We met a lots of affected women and others, who were healthy and all of them were very open and wondering of Mauve Flower and things around us! It was a good day for everyone, and these times we know very much why we do this: Because we want to save women from cervical cancer and make them aware of prevention. We met fantastic mothers, grandmothers, daughters and friends. This event is a great opportunity to get to know all these people. Next year we will definitely participate again”, Icó says. Besides its engagement in different events, pjur med and a retailer in Hungary have arranged that for every pjur med bottle, a donation is given to Mauve Flower Foundation. The cooperation with the Mauve Flower Foundation was initiated with the help of the Hungarian wholesaler and pjur customer Debra-Net Ltd..