New at ORION Wholesale: Exclusive outfits from “Noir Handmade”
15 outfits from the “Noir Handmade” label are now available exclusively from ORION Wholesale. With this label the Flensburg erotic specialist has expanded its extensive assortment and now has even more trendy looks and styles. The “Noir Handmade exclusive” collection is sexy and figure shaping, and although it mainly appeals to connoisseurs in the gothic or fetish scene it does also appeal to fashion-conscious club-goers. High-quality materials like wetlook, powernet and lace are used to create outstanding outfits that fit like a second skin. All outfits are available in S, M, L and XL. Some outfits are also available in 2XL and 3XL. “Noir Handmade exclusive” is now available from ORION Wholesale. The collection will be presented by the erotic specialist at the erofame in Hannover from 7th – 9th October 2015, where those interested can take a look for themselves and be convinced by the top quality outfits at moderate prices.
For orders and further information please contact: ORION Wholesale, Mr Hauke Christiansen, phone 0049-461-5040 210, fax 0049-461-5040 244, e-mail: hchristiansen@orion.de, http://www.orion-wholesale.com